If you're new to Edward Jones’ investment calculator, see the information below to learn how to use it.
- Initial investment amount: In this section, input the amount of money you're investing. Try inputting different amounts and note you can add to your investments over time as you earn and save more money. The main purpose is to help you see the possibilities. Edit the calculator inputs as many times as you like.
- Rate of return: For this section, choose the percent of return on your investment. Various investment types carry different rates of return, as well as levels of risk. Typically, the higher the risk, the higher the rate of return. Your Edward Jones financial advisor can help you understand the different types of investments and the related risks and returns.
- Length of investment: Enter the number of years you plan to keep your investment in your account. Compare the difference in growth if you start investing today compared to 10 years from now. You can do this by reducing the number of years you can stay invested in the Length of Investment field.